Industrial Musings

Thursday, May 03, 2007

On May 3, 2007, it is 29 days away from a significant change. There is really no reasons to perform this countdown as it is not exact, but nonetheless, there is still a significant change in my life approaching fast.

On May 2, 2007, I woke up and did my routine, which involves showering, bandaging my injuries, water my plants, and leaving for work. On the way, I stopped at my friend's house for several reasons. 1) I wanted to grab some more of that cornbread that we made two nights ago. 2) I wanted to give her a trinket that I found so that she might use it in her art project that she had to present that day. 3) I missed her as I did not see her for long the night before, and I wanted to start my day out in a nice way.

When I got in, she was on big red, asleep. I woke her up and gave her the trinket, which was a rubber stopper of some sort with a spiral piece of metal attached to one side by a nail, whose point stuck out the other end. It was quite rusty and it had the resemblance of a snail, which made it a perfect find for my friend. She liked it a lot and then set it down on the window sill. I laid with her for a bit and we kissed and what not. Then I said something that at the time seemed ok, but i shouldn't have said it. I said that 'it isn't always dissatisfying...' I should have kept my mouth shut about that and just showed her through my actions.

Thinking about this situation, this was four days in a row that I stopped there in the morning. Sunday morning i went over and we had a lovely time, but then Monday morning i stopped there to get my hat. Tuesday morning i stopped to get bean and beet salad. Wednesday morning I just described above. (maybe not Monday morning, cannot recall) This made me think that it is too much. while it is nice to go sometimes, i dint want to make a habit of it. So i decided not to do it this morning (Thursday).

Thinking about how I may be coming on too strong, I decided to leave work and go right home. I sowed four types of marrow seed to determine which plant looks like what, as i lost my map of which seeds were which from the first planting. I watered everything and then strolled over to my friends at around 7ish. No one was there and so i went to the boozer and grabber a 30 rack. called up my friend joe d and also yelled to my neighbor zach, but got jordan instead.

We chilled in the garden and drank a few brews and bullshitted. Both of those guys are gonna be around this summer, which makes me think it wont be as bad as i was expecting. I rolled a harry and them me a joe walked back to my friends around 9 and still no one was home. we had a harry on the stoop and then joe treated me to the campus food store for a meal. chilled with joe and then went back home without stopping at my friends.

At home, has some soup and then planned the garden out a bit and read some of For Whom the Bell Tolls. While reading my friend called and asked me for a big jar. She came over and then we went to her place. Had a harry and did some talking about nothing. She ended up using the trinket in her art piece and she was very happy that i gave it to her. She was making a package to send her bro so I decided to leave. On my way out it was awkward at first, but then she came and hugged me. we kissed a bit and then kept kissing. then on the last kiss her roommate came home and i walked out.

Thinking about this, we are kissing in the kitchen and it is me who says ok i go, and then stalls. i need to fucking decide. either i stay and we fuck or i leave. i don't wishy washy, its foolish and unattractive. Its a good thing we didn't cause her roommate came in, but i was thinking this is a trend. we need to chill as friends and when we are feeling it do it up right, not starting and stopping and laughing and resisting. its stupid and it hinders the good sex that could occur.

Went home and passed right out, after taking some begonia cuttings. Now it is may 3.


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